Allergy and Clinical Immunology Treatments and Services

We offer diagnostic tests and procedures for treating allergies.

Allergy tests

Some of the tests we perform include:

  • Blood tests look for antibodies to very specific allergens. Your doctor may also wish to examine nasal secretions or sputum.
  • Elimination tests are useful to determine food allergies. A patient abstains from eating a food that is suspected of causing allergies; if his or her symptoms improve, that food may be an allergen to that person.
  • Nasal and sputum stains
  • Skin tests look for allergies to insect bites or respiratory allergies such as dust or mold. This test can be done either by putting a small amount of the allergen on the skin or injecting a small amount of the allergen underneath the skin. If the patient is allergic, the skin will react at the test site by typically becoming swollen and red.
  • Spirometry
  • NIOX® clinical trial

Allergy treatments

Allergy shots

Allergy shots can be very helpful if symptoms continue, or if you don't want to take medicines every day. They may also decrease the risk of developing more allergies.

Your child gets small injections for their specific allergens, and the immune response gradually adjusts. For certain allergies, this can be very effective, but it cannot be used for all allergies.

In our Lebanon office, our Immunotherapy Clinic treats inhalant allergies and stinging insect hypersensitivity.

Avoidance of allergens (environmental control)

Knowing what allergens cause symptoms is an important first step because avoiding these triggers can really improve your child's symptoms. Your child may be able to stop taking daily medicines if you can successfully have them avoid allergens. In general, the best way to identify them is by skin testing.


Many allergens are hard to avoid, in which case medicines can be helpful. Most allergy medicines are very safe and effective, but medicines do not cure allergies.

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