
The level at which insulin is taken in the bloodstream
One of the main energy nutrients. It supplies energy for the body and is further divided into sugars and starches. Carbs are found in all fruits and vegetables, all grain products, dried beans, and peas, milk, and yogurt.
Diabetes dietitan educator
A person who specializes in diabetes and can give you advice about what to eat and how to deal with different types of foods
Diabetes nurse educator
A nurse who specializes in diabetes, who also acts as a resource person
Dietary fiber
The part of plants in food which is not absorbed by the body
A doctor who specializes in hormonal diseases, including diabetes
A hormone made in the pancreas (like insulin) that causes blood sugar to rise. It can be injected into people when they have severe (unconscious) insulin reactions.
A scientific name for the sugar in the blood or urine
The term used for high blood sugar
The term used for low blood sugar (insulin reaction)
The hormone made by the pancreas that allows sugar to pass into cells, where it is turned into energy
What happens in the body when not enough insulin is available. Blood sugar is usually high at this time. Moderate or large ketones are present in the urine.
Doing something at an appropriate amount and observing reasonable limits
Oral hypoglycemic agents (OHAs)
Pills that help make the body more sensitive to insulin, or to release more insulin
A scientific word meaning increased thirst
A scientific word meaning increased food intake
A scientific word meaning increased urination
One of the energy nutrients. It is found in meat, eggs, fish, milk, yogurt, and, in lesser amounts, in vegetables and other non-meat products (nuts, seed, beans, etc.)
Type 1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes
The condition that results when the body cannot make enough insulin
Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes
The condition in which the body still makes insulin but is unable to keep blood sugars in a normal range